Hi I'm Evaq aka edgy kid~ cboh
I started toribash in march 2014 so ive been playing for like 3 years. I have past accounts and with all the qi added I'd be around a 4th or 5th dan. I mostly do tricking but I enjoy parkour and sparring. I don't mas like at all but I've been told I'm pretty good at it. So I'm pretty good at replay making and when it comes to some abd or lenshu, I whoop some ass. When I first started tb I grinded Lenshu tourneys and some abd. From there I became a sparrer for about a year and now I am a tricker. I would say im the 4th or 5th best tricker in the game, or so I've been told. I'd be happy to make a replay with any Vector members even if I don't get in.
So about why I wanna join the clan. I know Shikkumo we talk a lot now and he's a pretty cool guy. He's really loyal to Vector as he tells me and it got me thinking how great this clan must be. I also know Karbn. Me and Karbn have had our differences but I apologized and I hope he still doesn't have a grudge because I think he's a great replay maker. I feel as if the community in this clan must be amazing and I'd really like to be apart of that. I'm also pretty good friends with Meija and acquaintances with victortb!
So about where you can find me and contact me and all that good stuff. I enjoy talking to people or basically anyone at that matter. My skype is (dfg_is_here_again)and Discord: Evaq#9906. (my discord doesn't work sometimes so don't expect me to answer). I was pretty young when I made that. I'm on toribash a lot tbh. I'd say 1-4 hours everyday. My forum activity is uprising. Not on forum a lot tho.
So about me irl. I'm 13 but puberty hit me like a truck. My voice is pretty deep as most 14-18 yr olds told me. I live in US, Texas to be exact. I hang out with friends a lot while also having lots of time for toribash. I also love sleep, but who doesn't tbh.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my application. Scared but hopeful for replies
Last edited by Evaq; Apr 28, 2017 at 08:26 AM.