It's also the fact that Korea has more actual competitive games played compared to other scenes. They follow a best of 5 format of 4 draft pick, 1 blind pick, so each game played against each other is a clusterfuck of strats and teamfights out the ass. Seriously, watch a NA game or a EU game, there's like no action until a massive teamfight breaks out, if you're lucky. Korea, you either see a metric fuckton of smaller skirmishes, or the most holyshitwtfisgoingon teamfights.
Seriously, go to OGN's youtube channel and look at their top6 series thing. They have about 5 episodes right now, plus another one showcasing plays from some of the newer Korean teams. The individual skill, combined with their teamfighting capabilities, is dazzling.
While Korea is definitely one of if not the best region at LoL, the "Bronze 5 KR = Challenger NA" circlejerk is really annoying.
Yeah I actually believe that NA has a decent chance to place 2nd/3rd in worlds with either Vulcun or C9. They've adopted korean strats and look really strong by focusing on objectives. Call me crazy about the NA thing, but last year TPA wasn't expected to get close and they ended up winning. Plus NA has gotten ALOT better since the beginning of spring split, and I think they have got to be better than the international (brazil, oce, etc.), SEA, and EU scenes
C9 are definitely the best representatives that NA has had for at least 2 years. It's very difficult to accurately place them when we haven't seen them in international competition. Having said that, I don't think they have a hope in hell against SKT1, OMG or Ozone. I would place them on the same level as Gambit, which is more or less the highest praise you could have coming from a soppy Gambit fan. If they have a great tournament they might cause a few upsets, but otherwise expect a disappointing Quarterfinal exit. Lemondogs are a good wildcard for the event too.
SKT1 vs Ozone in 45 minutes! aaaaAAAAAAHLKABDVHJB