Originally Posted by LILTERROR View Post
*Sniff Sniff* I smell the rise of Omega

Your name: TomPaine
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out): 22 soon
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) : 3rd Dan
Posts (must be over 350): 2,108 now 9
How many hours a day you play:1-2 mostly aikido and kickboxing
Past Clans: Omega forever!
The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): Since omega's start to about 6 months ago and hopefully starting the count again
Best Mod*: aikido
Ban/infraction history*:Not the prettiest

Reason: Useless Post
01-30-2010 10:28 PM by Gynx 2 / Expired

Reason: 5 day ban
11-03-2009 08:09 PM by Lapsus 10 / Reversed

Reason: Useless Post
08-08-2009 03:16 PM by hanz0 2 / Expired

[Auction] Robotic Warrior
Reason: Ignoring rules
07-23-2009 06:51 AM by phail 0 / Expired

Reason: Ignoring rules
05-20-2009 01:09 PM by hanz0 0 / Expired

Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*: art, fighting <-a little. and textures
Active ingame/forums/IRC*: pretty much forum active
Why do you want do Join?*: Give this another go, have fun like I use to.
Replays you have made (not nessacery): No.
User Card:
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Accepted. Lol jk you suck, um i mean i cant decide, or wait what do i mean? I mean I'm not even in the clan. o0 AAAARRRGGHHH!!!! THIS IS CONFUSING!!!

Either way... Nice to see you Tom. :P Came here to say hi, see whats going on, and say that I'm still not rejoining since i kinda quit TB if you didn't notice (probably that 1.5 or 2 years in only singleplayer helped in the long run...). :P And even if i start playing again i probably still wont join...
Last edited by Rozbickon; May 22, 2010 at 09:30 AM.
Hey mate not been on in a while, do i need to re apply with my stats etc, or because i was in it before can i re?