hey can i join?

belt: black (about 500 til 2nd dan)
reason: well, i love to play wushu (its the only mod basically i play) and relaxall has a very good reputation and great players.

i also try playing every day for at least an hour.

if you want to test me or anything ill be fine with it.
Last edited by nogginbash; Mar 4, 2009 at 10:35 PM. Reason: not enough apparently...
you shouldn't have read that
		     \  /
i understand why sahee was so happy with my reading of the first post now.
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Crisdar View Post
		     \  /
i understand why sahee was so happy with my reading of the first post now.

Nice its great how much enjoyment reading this is giving me...and to think I try to be nice.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
LOL. u try is the key statement
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.
Originally Posted by 9ml2 View Post
nick: 9ml2
belt: green (5 games to blue)

He Is So 1337!!!111!!1!one!!1oneoneone!!1!!!!

I Think Wi N33d P33pL3 Liek H33M!!!
[A L P H A]
Sahammer Time!

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
hey can i join?

Hey. You can't.

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
belt: black (about 500 til 2nd dan)

wow o:!

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
reason: well, i love to play wushu (its the only mod basically i play) and relaxall has a very good reputation and great players.

RelaxAll has a bad reputation as far as I know, HAMMER TIME!, but for one you're right - it has some great players in it. And it certainly HAS a reputation. Good or bad, I don't care.

Anyway this is not a reason, just a list of our probable traits .

Originally Posted by nogginbash View Post
if you want to test me or anything ill be fine with it.

You've already been tested. We're super fast motherfuckers. You've been diagnosed with selective blindness (firstpostus notreadus), and thus classified as incapable even of pointlessly staring at the monitor.
...And as we have this safety in work policy,

we can't accept handicapped people so frivolously.
You understand - it wouldn't be f*cking responsible of me.

//Btw I think I got addicted to saheeing people away, hammertime style >.>.


Originally Posted by Crisdar View Post
		     \  /
i understand why sahee was so happy with my reading of the first post now.

And why you should be happy for not getting sahammered in the face?
Uh and it's obvious you have a sahammer replica, not the original one. >;)
Last edited by Sahee; Mar 5, 2009 at 09:13 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Well I will be showing myself in Wushu7. Im sure you can see me doing my moves there over the course of the day if im not practicing or developing moves in SP.
Thanks you Kick for your support, Thank you Nikelaos for being a big help in my Relax Sucess, thank you Jojo for having weird textures which coerced me to do something else so I didnt have to look at them. I will return shortly, Hopefully with the RA tag. =)

~P.S: I wasnt being a big mouth, i think people do know me a lot cuz of my hours and as for the super uberness. Brah its Hxcbbqimo, how do you not remember that xD.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I would hate to send things to you, hxc :s

I'd have to check my spelling a few hundred times before I push the send button xD
[A L P H A]
Originally Posted by scheczudio View Post
I would hate to send things to you, hxc :s

I'd have to check my spelling a few hundred times before I push the send button xD


To sahee,
i laughed so hard at your previous post, i seriously almost shit myself, i almost got sent to school, because right now i am home sick. when my mom heard me laughing so loud, she said "what are u doing!?". i was tempted to say masturbating, but i was honest instead. "on the laptop mom" i said still chuckling, "if u are well enough to be on video games, then u can go to school" she decreed. "but mom, when i was laughing, i was laughing cuz i coughed a big fat mucus bomb on my screen, and when i tried to clean it, it went into my keyboard.". "i dont believe you, bring ur stuff down" she said.
at this time i was scared as hell. so what did i do? i blew my nose in my hand, and rubbed it in the middle of my screen to the keyboard, and u know what? I CAN STAY HOME
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.