Describe your clan members and what they mean to you.
Dark:The modt bomb ass texture maker,rrplay caniving,orgasmic players to have ever lived.DarkDranz IS jesus and hes like a brother to me :3
Weeman01...i mean Soulprey....i mean irm....ehhh fuck it:our family alcholic also like a bro to me
Chandler:The new guy who has to settle in to our bear hug of a family the new dude on the block
Saint:Our mommy.she birthed every single one of us and she put up with our crying baby shit and took care of nap times.a sister to me :3
GH:The little bro of the house.Always breaking shit.hes pretty damn annoying too.....just fucking with you :P
Phlip:im pretty sure your a carbon copy of soul.....just without the rampant alchoholism.Trololololo
Eldrest:fuck you
Shata:Tell your mom that i need the rest of that lube back :/ also tell her to get tested.
Jc it was just a joke and im sorry guya would you still accecpt me if I