TGS Application :)
What gender are you:Unicorn
Do you understand how to work an oven:Shove rocks with cheese on them and set it to 500
If you have an exceptionaly delectable cookie recipe that you think we may find useful please explain the ingredients and cooking process: One drip of Orko's cum mixed with seasoning salts with 2 spoons of milk and sever with Noamd's famous soup
What merit badges have you attained so far and what merit badges do you plan on working for: How to swim
Is it dobbys fault
on't every ask me this question again it's your fault they put this here Rawb ALLL YOUR FAULT!
Do you have any special expertise such as braiding hair, baking or sowing:I can wigle my finger from side to side.
Rewrite Abraham Lincolns famous speach as a incredibly descriptive recipe to bake our world renowned Wood Elf™ cookies:idk
Why the fuck do you want to join a cookie-themed clan anyway: i love all you guys i konw Lane,lane is cool i konw reg he funny,Orko rember deamon seed ?, and dobby i love his sparing i have most of them on skpe.