bought ahri and hecarim today. jumped with hecarim straight into a ranked and carried (played him in a free week once, he kinda fits my style.)
but i didnt trusted my ahri skills yet. somehow im playing "badly" with her.. any play tips u guys get? my build and mechanics is fine. just my descision making etc. is a bit bad with her.. (what to do in a teamfight tho.) i was mostly using ult from one to the other side to apply as much dmg as possible, pop W and QE into the mass.
I really really really want to buy Hecarim, my friend says he is strong and I am looking for my next jungler (incase Vi gets taken), he also looks like a lot of fun and Siv HD says Hec is his fav xD
Oh yeah, I rofled http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-le...rdingor-343980