I always wanted to try AP thresh mid, but every tryhard and their mother play normals now it seems. I'm trying to convince my vent friends to play with me so I don't have to put up with it, but lane positions usually degrade to:
so it's gonna take a while :s
Edit: fuck I just played the worst ranked game I've ever had. Internet spiked to like 50000 twice in the game, and the adc I was supporting dced early on, so we were behind most of the game. We manage to start coming back, then it gets even between the teams, and then we eventually push to win. What makes it the worst ranked game? Our mid trolls the entire game, our top takes the bait hard, and they spent 10 minutes all chat complaining after we took out 2 inhibs, effectively wasting our advantage, then the mid afks for 5 minutes because of ez and me dcing 30 minutes ago, and only comes back because he waited long enough for his trinity force, then another 5 minutes of all chat complaining, until we finally grouped up and won the next teamfight to win the game. Spent the entire game trying to mediate top and mid from leaving the game, and telling ez how to freeze a lane so he could catch up without overextending, and making general calls in team chat and pings, usually all at the same time. Worse yet, it's only my second placement match for solo queue. And it's already given me cancer. Fucking... hate... ranked. Oh, and I probably bought like 30 pink wards because of the shaco, eve comp they had. Not a single fuck was given for that.
Last edited by Oracle; Sep 9, 2013 at 06:28 PM.