Before the clan video got a little activity going they were having a little trouble with activity: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
I haven't really seen any reason aside from this recent tiny surge of activity the clan video has brought which has probably gotten a 1 post turnout per member. I do understand they like to clan war a lot and are actually currently 3rd in the ranking but I'd like to mention that they were actually number 1 a few weeks back (I believe) and would also like to mention that 1 or 2 active person is likely doing all of the warring for them as the posts complain about forum and in-game inactivity. They may have kicked their most inactive people but there's not much to be said for, well, pretty much all of them.
I don't necessarily think they're a bad clan, but this is a bad time for them to be applying.