Yeah, okay; cool story.
Now take this to general.

Elvis needs to say yes before he can get in.

1 vote from a leader/co-leader = 3 votes from average member.
Frost is pretty cool
Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Yeah, okay; cool story.
Now take this to general.

Elvis needs to say yes before he can get in.

1 vote from a leader/co-leader = 3 votes from average member.

Hey, you said yes right? And two said yes too, that means it's 5 yeseses.
"Isolate and Devour"
I remember once, I was in a tourney room with Adrian.
I was like "Hi" then he said, "No u".

Accepted, welcome to Planet Gay.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Hey Guys, i'm now making my application for Raku... So, my name is Thalles Sainz, as everyone can see i'm 10Th dan, since i've been playing since 2009 ( Thalala, Thasainz alts. ) anyway, in 2009 i've stopped for 2 years and i've back in 2011 with mah new acc, Sainzgc ( that got a namechange for Kratos ). I'm Brazillian, as you can see i don't have an amazing english, but i guess that you guys can understand, this is a thing that i have to improve like my irc inactivity, what to make? No one is perfect. :P
I've got skills in the Art area ( things like banner, avvy ,sig maker... ), Clan managing and another things not so important, i also have been active everyday, it's hard stay 1 day without the forums, i'm active ingame anyway, the difference is that i have an better rate in the forums. I'ld like to join Raku because i know a lot of people there and i've started like it since my first post here... I guess that here i'll make more friends and learn more, yeah, i pretend stay here and help the max that i can, principally in activity or recruitment. I hope that i haven't forget anything else... So, hope that you like the app, i'm not so good with this. >:P

Your Sainzgc