Hey Guys, i'm now making my application for Raku... So, my name is Thalles Sainz, as everyone can see i'm 10Th dan, since i've been playing since 2009 ( Thalala, Thasainz alts. ) anyway, in 2009 i've stopped for 2 years and i've back in 2011 with mah new acc, Sainzgc ( that got a namechange for Kratos ). I'm Brazillian, as you can see i don't have an amazing english, but i guess that you guys can understand, this is a thing that i have to improve like my irc inactivity, what to make? No one is perfect. :P
I've got skills in the Art area ( things like banner, avvy ,sig maker... ), Clan managing and another things not so important, i also have been active everyday, it's hard stay 1 day without the forums, i'm active ingame anyway, the difference is that i have an better rate in the forums. I'ld like to join Raku because i know a lot of people there and i've started like it since my first post here... I guess that here i'll make more friends and learn more, yeah, i pretend stay here and help the max that i can, principally in activity or recruitment. I hope that i haven't forget anything else... So, hope that you like the app, i'm not so good with this. >:P