Oh please, there's not guarantee of that. The first team is pretty much the king of comebacks through analysis. If there's somebody who's going to find a way to beat the second team, it's the first team.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Don't misunderstand guys, I watched all of the matches, I just stopped watching that one specific match after seeing the giant lead/obliteration.
Anyway, I just tried Zed out for the first time whilst he is f2p and my god I think I fell in love with a champion xD

But wow, I really did get disorientated when I used my R, most of it was just smashing Q and E and hitting with w to do some more Q and E damage. Not really knowing what I was doing. 2nd match I hopefully know what I'm pressing xD
One really helpful tip for me when I was learning Zed was to immediately proc R to teleport behind them in a 1v1 once you set your deathmark the first time. It's a good way to get the other person to miss their skillshot(s) since you'd be blinking right behind them. I usually only hold it anymore if I'm trying to juke someone in a gank or something.

Also Jayce adc blows.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
One really helpful tip for me when I was learning Zed was to immediately proc R to teleport behind them in a 1v1 once you set your deathmark the first time. It's a good way to get the other person to miss their skillshot(s) since you'd be blinking right behind them. I usually only hold it anymore if I'm trying to juke someone in a gank or something.

Also Jayce adc blows.

Or wait if they have a disposition tool (jayce, syndra) and then r after it
Thanks guys
I just did this in my first 2 Zed games, he is really hard to use, but I like how this assassin actually works well late game.
edit: first match was mid against nidalee (I know.. I should've had a great score with that counter pick :S) and 2nd was top vs Jax, that was difficult but lots of baiting the E's : )
still looking for eune duoq :P

well, nvm. worked my ass up from Gold5 to Gold3. Gogo plat <3
Last edited by Saint; Sep 29, 2013 at 04:08 PM.
Just got to silver 3 xD halfway there for me, I got 50 lp.
Dude you guys seen how victorious elise looks like? Like Dang dude
Can't seem to find any victorious elise models anywhere, can you give me a link? (Assuming you saw her).

I'm so excited considering I'll have all skins for my main (even though I hardly play her now, curse you role filling).

On a completely unrelated note, let's come up with some predictions. Royal or SKT?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Well, finally think I found my groove, won about 6 in a row yesterday, winning 7 out of 8 ranked played yesterday. Finally in series for s4, lost my first match but I know I can win my next two. Hopefully this will raise my mmr so I can start gaining/losing regular amounts of lp now, losing double the lp I get from winning is sort of annoying.

Anyway, about worlds, I personally think SKT will win, but Royal sure has a good chance against them.
Last edited by Faint; Sep 30, 2013 at 09:05 PM.