Silver III here, trying to get to gold 44 lp :[
My friend told me to main a lane, which is mid, and to main support second.

Is this a good idea? If yes, someone give me a brief description on supports and how to and which support with which adc etc. Please .-.

October 31, End of s3. I got time to get to gold right?
I got to Bronze II in that last match as the jungler, our Cait couldn't use cait and locked in even though I was supposed to be pre duo adc. Still won the game that looked impossible to win at the end though, I was the only one left alive but I quickly sold some items and bought some damage and E E that Nexus xD

Well, tomorrow is another day to get more LP :3
If anyone is on EUW and likes to support, I'll be your adc. I do great with pre duo supports
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Silver III here, trying to get to gold 44 lp :[
My friend told me to main a lane, which is mid, and to main support second.

Is this a good idea? If yes, someone give me a brief description on supports and how to and which support with which adc etc. Please .-.

October 31, End of s3. I got time to get to gold right?

Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Silver III here, trying to get to gold 44 lp :[
My friend told me to main a lane, which is mid, and to main support second.

Is this a good idea? If yes, someone give me a brief description on supports and how to and which support with which adc etc. Please .-.

October 31, End of s3. I got time to get to gold right?

I was -13 w/l and then I started playing only support and now i'm +10 w/l and just got into gold.

Pick a champion pool for support. Mine is Zyra>Thresh>Zilean>Nami.
I Suggest you learn Zyra and Nami.

Realise what that champion is good at
Zyra (teamfights)
Nami(Ranged pressure application)
Thresh(Picking People off)
Zilean(No one knows how to play against him also baiting)

Learn to never type negative comments under any circumstance, just brush it off, if you get angry you're gonna have a bad time.

Focus on when your champion is strong for example when i play Zyra I push really hard to take turret once I hit 6 so I can start forcing fights around dragon and mid. Whether I lose or win lane, I always have an impact in teamfights.

Your build on every champion is generally going to be 2 pinks, 2 greens, 3 pots hp/mana(depends) and you'll have the cookie and the explorer ward.
First thing you get is your gp10 always, this is not a pro game, you need the gold gen so you can have an impact if the game takes long. You then get a Sightstone and boots 1, from there you rush 40% cdr or a locket. As a support getting out as many abilities as possible during a teamfight usually wins the game.

Don't be afraid; you have to be the man of the relationship and you need to apply pressure in lane so that your adc is able to farm safely it doesn't matter if your adc is shit tier at farming, the more pressure you apply in lane the less likely other lanes are going to get ganked by the enemy jungler.

Don't take unnecessary damage: Harassing is super important in lane and 97% of the time you should be able to abuse bush vision to get free autos on the enemy.

on AP support champs (Zilean, Zyra, Orianna, Annie, Leblanc)
I run 9/0/21 masteries for the harass gold, mobility and penetration.

On the Hardcore Supports like Nami and Sona
I run 1/13/16

On tank supports like Leona and Alistar.
I would also run 1/13/16

On AP champs
MPen Marks, GP10 Quints, 3 scaling MR blues, 6 flat MR blues and flat Armour seals

On Thresh
HP Quints and AD Marks instead.

On Hardcore supports
Ideally you want Armour reds. You can run the same stuff as AP champs though.

Use pinks to control the lane bush, It is fucking horrible when you can't see inside the lane bush and can't tell if a jungler is in there. So make the enemy feel this pain.

If the enemy adc gets fed, it's not over, at this elo they generally do not have the mechanical skill to carry the game anyway.

Matchups: I basically only play Zyra so I can tell you who she's good against and weak against.(I run Ignite and Flash every game)

Strong Against:
Nami(If you attain early lane pressure via bush control and dodge her bubbles you should be able to kill her if you push and get lvl 2 before her, even if you don't kill her you can constantly attack her where she has no damage abilities.)

Sona(Same dealio as Nami really, a Sona cannot do anything against Zyra just punish her for her squishiness.)

Alistar(You can peel Alistar very easily but if you get caught you will die.Just use your plants.)

Taric(His W gives and Armour buff while you do magic damage, you can peel him away when he E's then you can just re engage and kill his adc while he waits on cooldowns.)

Fiddlesticks(Your plants hurt alot and fiddle can't do anything about it. If you let him take control of the lane you will lose though.)

Vayne(Low elo players CANNOT play her well at all, just abuse the lane, push and take tower early.)

Caitlyn(If you take bush control you can abuse caitlyns bad fighting ability with EWW)

Varus(Cannot dodge your E, at lvl 6 he will die instantly even if you are behind.)

Ashe(Same as Varus)

Graves(You can kite Graves easily, just don't let him get close.)

Weak Against:
Annie(She has 625 range and stun pressure, if you try to trade autos you might get caught and die instantly since Zyra is extremely squishy.)

Blitzcrank(If you get caught out you will die.Try and push and wait for midgame.)

Thresh(If you get caught out you will die. Try and push and wait for midgame.)

Leona(Same as above, if she hits her E you're probably fucked but sometimes you can trade.)

Ezreal(CAN DODGE EVERY FUCKING ABILITY, Get him on your team and you will have no worries.)

Corki(This guy can basically kill you instantly)

Strengths of Zyra:
Range, kiting, peeling, engage, disengage.
She's pretty much the perfect teamfighting support. Peel for your ADC, use your ult to separate their front line from their backline or if you're in a wombo team use it to initiate. And you can build literally anything on her and it wont matter.

Squishy as fuck, no lane sustain and you need to die to use her full kit

If you have any more specific questions about support i'll try to answer.
Last edited by Hippybob; Oct 5, 2013 at 12:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post

If I am playing support I will almost always play nami. I feel like as long as you don't die you more or less automatically win the lane if you can consistently bounce your W. The total change in hp through ONE spell is absurd.

I prefer 0/13/17 because I think pickpocket is a bit better than the exhaust/ignite mastery. You constantly autoattack to assert bush control and to harass, and I feel all of those 3 gold boosts really do add up but I guess it's just personal preference.

I like to run hybrid pen reds on nami as they're more or less a straight upgrade from magic pen. 8.1 armour pen > extra 2.3 magic pen since a lot of your harass will be autoattacks. Armour reds are fine too if you're against some super bursty opponents or you're not comfortable on the champion and accept that you will be getting the worst of the trades.

My starting items are normally 2 greens, a pink, 2 health pots and a faerie charm. With this start you can afford to be aggressive with your W and not worry about going OOM. My first item will vary depending on how well the lane is going and how much gold I have, though I prefer to get the sightstone first because of the nice boost in tankiness you get and the impact that along with the free wards have on bush control.

I like to start W (provided that there aren't any level 1 jungle fights), I feel Q starts are too risky. If you hit it you MIGHT get a kill. If you don't the enemy support will make you his bitch until you reach level 2, or maybe longer depending on how well he capitalised on the situation. Plus people tend to assume that you're going to start Q, so by starting W you might get a very early advantage through a free double bounced W (dealing 112.9 damage and healing 55.25, or 129.5 damage and healing 65. I'm not precisely sure how it's calculated.) which is a ridiculous and often unexpected swing in health for a level 1 spell. It's especially good to do this against sona players that start Q, in particular if you have ignite. You will often just win the lane outright in that first fight.

I take ignite most of the time, but in some matchups you will probably want exhaust to stop your adc from getting dumped on.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; Oct 5, 2013 at 02:17 AM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
If I am playing support I will almost always play nami. I feel like as long as you don't die you more or less automatically win the lane if you can consistently bounce your W. The total change in hp through ONE spell is absurd.

I prefer 0/13/17 because I think pickpocket is a bit better than the exhaust/ignite mastery. You constantly autoattack to assert bush control and to harass, and I feel all of those 3 gold boosts really do add up but I guess it's just personal preference.

I like to run hybrid pen reds on nami as they're more or less a straight upgrade from magic pen. 8.1 armour pen > extra 2.3 magic pen since a lot of your harass will be autoattacks. Armour reds are fine too if you're against some super bursty opponents or you're not comfortable on the champion and accept that you will be getting the worst of the trades.

My starting items are normally 2 greens, a pink, 2 health pots and a faerie charm. With this start you can afford to be aggressive with your W and not worry about going OOM. My first item will vary depending on how well the lane is going and how much gold I have, though I prefer to get the sightstone first because of the nice boost in tankiness you get and the impact that along with the free wards have on bush control.

I like to start W (provided that there aren't any level 1 jungle fights), I feel Q starts are too risky. If you hit it you MIGHT get a kill. If you don't the enemy support will make you his bitch until you reach level 2, or maybe longer depending on how well he capitalised on the situation. Plus people tend to assume that you're going to start Q, so by starting W you might get a very early advantage through a free double bounced W (dealing 112.9 damage and healing 55.25, or 129.5 damage and healing 65. I'm not precisely sure how it's calculated.) which is a ridiculous and often unexpected swing in health for a level 1 spell. It's especially good to do this against sona players that start Q, in particular if you have ignite. You will often just win the lane outright in that first fight.

I take ignite most of the time, but in some matchups you will probably want exhaust to stop your adc from getting dumped on.

I'd run exhaust every time on Nami because you don't benefit as much from getting the gold of a kill.
that last game was kinda lame for Royal, their top laner didn't go very well and I don't think Uzi used his ''full power''
Got in Silver 4 after the placement with a 5-5 expecting bronze. Is there any way to be sure of the league you're going to be in or does it depend on the opponents you face?

And LeBlanc 12-0 in ranked was a surprise :3
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I'd run exhaust every time on Nami because you don't benefit as much from getting the gold of a kill.

Oh you definitely do. A faster ruby sightstone/philo/aegis/oracle is always beneficial to your team. If you're a level or two ahead of the enemy support your w is even more ridiculous and you can completely zone the enemy ADC and force the jungler to come bot. Or you can take dragon, or you can try to gank mid.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg