Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Got in Silver 4 after the placement with a 5-5 expecting bronze. Is there any way to be sure of the league you're going to be in or does it depend on the opponents you face?

And LeBlanc 12-0 in ranked was a surprise :3

the highest u can reach is gold 5 after 10 straight wins in your placement.
i had as far i remember like 7 wins and 3 loss in my placement and got placed in like bronze 1 (though that was preseason, means it was still elo based.)

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I got to Bronze II in that last match as the jungler, our Cait couldn't use cait and locked in even though I was supposed to be pre duo adc. Still won the game that looked impossible to win at the end though, I was the only one left alive but I quickly sold some items and bought some damage and E E that Nexus xD

Well, tomorrow is another day to get more LP :3
If anyone is on EUW and likes to support, I'll be your adc. I do great with pre duo supports

just to answer your post from the last page a bit, yes u get at the start tons of lp for wins, cause u still didnt found your true area where ure deserved to be in, even after about 400~ ranked games i still win/lose about 15 per game, thats still alot. when u fall under 10 u are quite close to what u can reach. also i had the feeling that it resets when u reach a new league, means when u get in bronze 1 just like 5 per win u will get like 20 again in silver 5.

Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Silver III here, trying to get to gold 44 lp :[
My friend told me to main a lane, which is mid, and to main support second.

Is this a good idea? If yes, someone give me a brief description on supports and how to and which support with which adc etc. Please .-.

October 31, End of s3. I got time to get to gold right?

well main those roles youre the best with, but play atleast decent at all roles.
id would safely suggest that jungle and support are the best to carry and win a game with (if youre good.) but technically u can carry with everything, if youre just good enough. (as example, if u do main toplane, and youre sure u dont lose it, your jungler has one lane less to focus on, so he can win mid or bot, may even both. means that 2/3 lanes from your side can/will win. if u main mid lane u can help your jungler with ganks, and then u can carry another lane too.. as jungler u can just do the same, its quite hard to carry all 3 lanes, so u shall focus on 2, the best is if one lane can win on its own, so if your top lane wins u can just gank mid and bot, to win atleast one of them to get a lead.)

every role got its own aspects to be able to carry with, just pick the roles youre most comfortable with and the champs u do best with (better learn some "op" champs and get good with them to make it easier, like kassa for midlane which can snowball pretty hard lategame if hes good enough.)
also if u do it the faggoty way like ijem and skip like the half of the league sure u can reach gold in no time, but it all depends how good you really are. i try since 3-4 months to get into gold from silver 5-3 (yo im jumping up an down) and i guess that i wont get it.

someone corrects me if im wrong with something.
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Jinx really does seem to be more or less over powered compared to the other ADC's imo

I should have lost this, but I guess bronze really is whacky.


Last edited by souldevilj; Oct 5, 2013 at 06:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It's like Quinn was made for me, I love playing her.
13/1/13? fuck yeah, Quinn you badass with an Eagle, too bad your dance is a little embarassing xD
If you play quinn adc instead of top, then you're doing it wrong.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I've been playing her in all the lanes, just because I want to play her.
Doesn't really matter which lane I'm in, she's a bully, although that 13/1/13 was a top lane game.
Quinn is actually really strong as an adc. Her early game is phenomenal, and she's an incredibly strong dueler. You use the ult for a quick reposition and slight aoe burst during a teamfight, or clean up. Often what an adc does in the first place. She falls off a bit late game because of only a few attack steroids, but she makes up for it with positioning and versatility. Plus she'll beat virtually every other adc in a 1v1 because of her q.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah I noticed she seems to be quite the counter to Vayne bot.
I had a troll TF :/
So hopefully I win this next one, I want that promo -_-

Um.. Shit..

Last edited by souldevilj; Oct 7, 2013 at 03:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump