Christmas Lottery
@kag: its ok bro. Good job,im proud of you guys.
@last: lol, im geting more tc soon. Ill request a video when I get the cash lol.
should we put replays here for (i mean replay thread) the vid?
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Just put them at the main replay thread. Also, I didnt know I could mang the toriclan from my main account still so I changed people ranks around as I said I would

hey guys sorry that I havent been active but I'm on vacation with my family only three days left then a four hour drive home btw I'm at the beach see you !
So when will we make a clan video?
By the way Drakeco why wont you promote me here are the following reasons why I deserve to be ranked up:
·Im acitve I post everyday
·I did what Drakeco told me that I need to be acrive but im active.
·I even stayed loyal to this clan and respect members.
it is still a maybe i think >.>
and you shouldnt ask for rank up it will eventually come.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid