well, we lost 3 war, but, don't worry that happen sometimes, now we have to do some training! practice and practice again, I think about 1 moment in this week, we can meet us ingame and practice.
you know, granby is an expert in lenshu, theo in parkour/ spar, for me it's tk-like etc... etc... but, in clan war this is obvious Useless, like other clans are too Weak and too Fearful to play another mod than Abd we have to Exterminate them on their area, sure I know Prowler or Granby are really good in Abd, but it's the entire of the clan who have to be strong, I know that we are good but visibly not enough, training is the only way I see if we want to progress in clan ranking, now it will be hard to gain rank because we will fall against clans like [Evolution] [Aquarius] [it's a clan] etc... etc... So now it's time for [Ascend] to show that we are one of the best clan in this FUCKING GAME and we deserve to play in big league
I know this is really pompous xD
about the day, I was thinking about Wednesday.
Last edited by Astral; May 18, 2014 at 10:48 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump