Well, good luck with that. I'm going to test your skills here:
Welcome duck, in the Librarian position, in our wonderful clan, The Monastery. No need to worry about my grammar because I am simply amazing at the english language. I accept that sometimes my grammar is bad, but I usually fix it.
Unfortunately duck you failed....
Welcome duck, in the Librarian position, in our wonderful clan,
Double "in"? I don't think so.
Welcome duck, to the Librarian position, in our wonderful clan,
Its technically correct....
Well done Gram
I agree with ManlyPotato, Infamy was your weakest....
Deym Gram. I remember the times when I first saw you begin replaymaking. :o It feels like a long time, and now look at you! You're in ORMO! That's more than I've ever accomplished! Keep it up man, and uphold the name of the Monks!!!