big stuff happening
2 days ago i noticed i had gotten a strange email, turns out i was accepted last minute to my first choice music school (the only one I wanted to go to)
life is chaos rn, trying to get a loan, an apartment, and gather my stuff before monday, then im moving across the whole country down south where the sun is up way more during the winter
im fucking pumped, but stresseddDDD
also chesh is at disneyland, nerd
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by ifred View Post
You don't have to worry, little tim is like my son, I'll make sure he is ok

you are such a nice dad
Power Punch
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
big stuff happening
2 days ago i noticed i had gotten a strange email, turns out i was accepted last minute to my first choice music school (the only one I wanted to go to)
life is chaos rn, trying to get a loan, an apartment, and gather my stuff before monday, then im moving across the whole country down south where the sun is up way more during the winter
im fucking pumped, but stresseddDDD
also chesh is at disneyland, nerd

i thought you'll be selling donuts to the end of your life
good luck lol
Last edited by WorldEater; Sep 8, 2016 at 03:44 PM.
I'm sure he would be quite content with making music as a hobby, making donuts as a job and watching shit like A Serbian Film to quench his thirst