I have a problem and that problem consists of indecision when the time to purchase a champion comes. So I usually ask for people's opinion that will help me to see the champions themselves from another perspective and possibly set my mind towards a direction.
So I came here for some guidance.
This time, I'm buying an ADC (Marksman if you prefer the term) and I'm stuck between three champions.
Graves: Some resistance from his passive, nice burst with Q and Ulti, gap-closer with nice AS steroid, decent slow and vision removal.
Varus: That range on Q doe, does magic damage equal to % target max HP, decent aoe slow and wrecking Ulti if casted right on a teamfight.
Jinx: Yeah. I'm aware of her damage being ridiculous as it is right now. But people keep telling me she's actually quite fun and her kit...quite interesting, to say the least. I'm also afraid that I have been sucked into the Jinx hype and that's why she's probably on this list.
Any enlightment for who should I go for it's appreciated.
I'll make sure to leave my feedback whenever I get it