THESE are the moments I wish I had on replay.
Start of the game, tryndamere is fed by renekton 8/2/0
He goes around killing people racking up a huge score of 19/3/4
I'm mid laning doing alright vs Diana, kinda even score, getting killed by tryndamere etc etc.
Renekton is apologising for feeding, thats cool, first time he play him.
Jinx is flaming about how we all suck and Elise is first time Elise so she ends up making bad plays. We get pushed to our Nexus within 15 minutes.
We Teamfight. And win them.
Focus Tryndamere, 3 team fights later we managed to send Jinx alone to take the mid tower while the rest of us healed.
We tell her to back, she doesn't listen, takes inhib but gets raped.
Our ADC gone we panic, we can't do it without them, flames were given to Jinx etc.
Somehow I manage to nuke tryndamere, then he ults, then I was dived under the tower using Le Blancs E to hold him under it, he died to the only remaining tower we had.
Turn the teamfight around, 2 more teamfights and we take the same inhib that has respawned, I roam top as I saw tryndamere trying to solo top, I take off his ult and see him sat in the bush waiting for me to come in with no hp, 1 spell wouldnt kill him, 2 would, so I wait for my R to come up and W R in the bush, not enough damage but my guardian angel. So he dies, then I heal up. My team teamfight mid. lose the teamfight but I have teleport and the minions are pushed to the nexus towers, I backdoor. Dodging Galio and Hecarim as I W and R between them trying to get AA off on the nexus. I did it with no hp to spare. Fucking GG.
Heres the scoreboard. Left out the right side panel due to flame on tryndameres part flaming his team and flaming me the most xD
Why do I always get the crazy games when I play Le Blanc? haha xD
The other should have won, 5 - 30 is more than an advantage, it's domination.