So close
BTW, just a curiosity: after playing this game for 8 months (started on February) I still really dislike playing ranked... Especially yoloQ. DuoQ I'll do some from time to time... very rarely (6 games out of 10 so far... still unranked).
Got into a team of friends a few days ago and we've been doing some 5v5. 4 games, 2 victories so far. It sucks, I know.
i dont understand how people can dislike playing ranked. there's not a single difference between rank draft and normal draft. your mmr is visible and you more accurately are placed against / with people of your skill level
i dunno i love ranked i almost exclusively play ranked unless normals are with friends or to warm up if u play it like its not a big deal i think you'd enjoy it more
I don't like it because my normal mmr was much more representative of my actual ability before I derped the herp with it by playing with a bunch of level 20s. It auto pairs me with silvers in ranked because of my end of s2 rank, but I routinely find the level of derp that I normally don't see in my normals. I've won half, lost half, and decided to stop trying for s3 and wait for s4 because of how taxing it is.
Teams that are winning are too uncoordinated and belligerent to push their advantage when they have it, and players are routinely fresh into level 30 and think they're god-tier adc or top (pro tip, they really, really aren't). That's not to say I can't scrape wins out of them, it's just it's not fun for me to constantly berate my team to stop bickering and get some shit done so that we can win. When you have to play diplomat to your top and mid lane for 20 minutes just so that they can coordinate for once and win a game that drags to 50 minutes because the retards wanted to yell at each other for the rest of the game rather than push to win when nexus turrets are open with 40 second timers and a full team, and you have to do that in 1 out of 3 games, it's mentally draining and aggravating.
With normals I can give zero fucks and just have fun because there's no feedback on how shitty or good the game thinks I am.