i remember that name, cant remember where from though... also i'm on the leaderboards for a few of the Pii racer tracks
Made by Fenris
Don't remind me about about Pii Racer
I've spent so much time in front of it and didn't get any kind of decent punctuation

What kind of black magic you do Star?
Adrian is...
It's hard to explain who Adrian is.
He's basically a bomb waiting to explode.
+ he's a fagget.

He's also known as Defenestration or something.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
I just got back from Hong Kong.
No, I did not bring any of you souvenirs.

So, what's been going on lately?

Also, I heard that Cyber's friend thinks we're all assholes.
Apparently, a beast called Akmal will visit anyone who insults us and torture them with Justin Bieber songs.
Frost is pretty cool