Originally Posted by
so australia is the first one?, didnt know anything about it. I thoght Australia emited a normal quantity of gases
First one per capita.
Not first on overall... Overall it is at the 16th position of the biggest polluters.
First one per capita means that the Australian population is polluting way more than most people from other countries on average. This is about CO2 emissions only.. Just imagine how bad it would be if the graph was about all types of pollution... lol it's probably because most people will drive their cars even to buy a fucking loaf of bread at the local store right around the corner... If Australia happened to have the same population size as the USA, they would be even worse than USA...
For example China is the 1st on overall polluters but only 44th on the per capita pollution level... It means that most of china's pollution comes from factories (a large quantity of the world products from electronics to clothing and many other goods are made in china), not from the average Chinese citizen that is too poor to even own a car (responsible for most of the CO2 emissions).
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Feb 3, 2010 at 04:09 AM.