Your in-game name: Liltay1426.
Your belt(min brown belt):9Dan black belt.
Your skills:I am semi good at texturing and what not.
Why you want to join (About 30 words[must be convincing]):I want to join a good clan,a clan that wont die like Doc because your constantly recruiting so I felt this clan was the best to go at for now.
Any replays you wish us to see(only original mod or regular in game mods No Twin sword , or instagib mods.):My replays are below
Any of your artwork you would like us to see:
How active on forums:I am on every day except when I go over my uncles house every Sunday
How active in game:I am on every day except when I go over my uncles house every Sunday.
Min posts 100:I have 130 something.
Do you have a good understanding of The Forums/Game:Yes
Anything else you want us to know:Nope.
Last edited by liltay1426; Apr 10, 2011 at 04:38 PM.