the meat juice doesnt contain alot. (fluid with a bit of blood.) usually the blood is drained anyway. and ofcourse by baking it you will neutralize the bacteria.
Be the good guy and play devil's advocate, more or less? @_@
Ok sure, if you say so!
I think that this kind of thing is completely acceptable. Firstly because we are the dominant species in this world, we can and should do whatever we find culturally acceptable. We need our beef, and this is the easiest way to get it. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Besides that, what does it matter if some dumb animal feels some pain in the moments before it's death? The workers obviously don't care, so why should we? They only reason that someone would say "oh this is so bad and unacceptable" is because they are ignorant. This goes on a hundred thousand times a day, every day, in every country.
I could guilt trip you every day of the week, about much more meaningful stuff (deforestation of rain-forests just so you can get your toilet paper huh? pollution of oceans and rivers from your soap? etc etc), but the bottom line is no one really cares.
People as a whole do not care about this meaningless shit, they just want their big mac.