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House fire. Also, kids, don't get your "gf" pregnant, wear condoms. The world doesn't need any more of you people.
You racist against us mexican/greeks esse?
/ontopic. Ahhh... I remember now...
It was a warm summer (Or spring?) day, the birds were falling, and the leaves were soring through the air.
Six (or like, seven or eight or something) years of age, my mom warmned me of pedophiles for the first time. (Note: This was before I started taking taekwondo, so I couldn't defend myself)
As I rode off into the heat with my trusty bike, and bid my mother fare well, I scuried up the street, and saw a man wearing black come out of his house.
When the hill was too hard to ride up, I began walking my bike up.
And then he saw me...
He was standing in the street, nearly twenty feet away from me, and he said: "Hey kid, do ya wanna see a card trick?" He was a magician you see, but never-the-less, I mishread him, and though he said "Corn trick".
So I though he was a weirdo, and said: "No thanks mister, I have to get going"
Suddenly, a random car pulled out of a nearby driveway. And the pedo replied: "Is a, is that ya mom leavin right there?"
And I knew he was acting suspicious, so to provoke him, I said, "No mister, my mom lives all the way down the street at"
And he started speed walking towards me.
I quickly escaped on my bike, and told my mom about this.
As I told everyone here, several years later.