Original Post
Prizes for belts, win streaks, variable tourney prizes, logging in, 2nd place
Note: This thread has been merged with similar threads.

Others suggestions in this thread:
- tourney prizes proportional to the number of games played, or participants.
- win streak prizes
- prizes for gaining belts
- some sort of reward for overcoming the challenge of logging in?
- bigger prizes for anything and everything

My idea is that there should be another tc tourney but with more tc like 1k, 1,500 or 2k. I mean I think it would be much more fun and easier for people to get textures, and for noobs just starting to have a good amount of tc. The mod could be aikido or Rk mama. I just think there should be another tourney besides 500tc and 750tc you know a little higher.
Last edited by Fish; Oct 30, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
No way. Do you know how much that would screw the economy? And anyway, why do you think Toribash should give you a present?

Agree with you, and yeah why we must give you a gift?
u wot m8
No qi pure dq is still like 20k+

So a non qi item for your birthday would devastate the economy
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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Originally Posted by HunnKhan View Post
People will create lots of accounts to get birthday stuff, also devastating the economy

Alternative Accounts! Great thinking! :O \m/
Master of the arcane arts
Another idea from the part of the community which is too lazy to get out there and make the tc to buy the stuff they want.
We know what suggestion isn't going in the suggestion box.
anyone could change his birth day on the profile setting!
and they can create much accounts
and they can change their bday in their alt account
INB4 14 days ban
Yeah, imagine someone who changes b-day date EVERYDAY. whehehe...
But for my opinion its better suggestion for a clan, i was once in a clan where in b-day they give you some tc or random item from bank. So yeah, cool idea but highly risk.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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Then theres no point in having it, because they could just buy the item
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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If you guys are interested in receiving gifts for your birthdays, perhaps you should create some kind of event and/or social group which would consist of members who care about each others' birthdays. Alternatively, you can make a thread (in your clan's DSC/board) & get your clan involved to spread the wealth.

Just don't bring Nabi into creating a system to send user appreciation/birthday gifts. Actually, you shouldn't bring Nabi into gift-giving at all, try getting the community involved with such ideas.