they are more worried about muting someone who types something with capital characters instead of making the tournament fun.
wow, that was a pretty cool move man
excuse me sir you can not show excitement in this tournament, you have to be as boring as the gm's are. Thank you for your time, here is gladiator left relax trail
Hey guys, been getting some messages that people find GMTournies boring. Would like to know your ideas on how to spice things up and why you think they are.
Without your input, we cannot improve.
I've avoided sticking my noes in until now as I'll undoubtedly get slaughtered as soon as I post but I fear I can't hold my tongue any longer.
1) Most complaints I see are the whole "Prizes" issue.
While it's something that I appreciate is an issue, to me, it just comes off as a tad selfish.
To win a tournament is much more than just getting an item.
You win the pride, you get to play a fun mod and have fun at the same time, and you represent your clan (if you have one).
To concentrate wholly on the prize just seems to be missing some of the points of tournaments.
Then sponsor something where each time a clan member wins a tourney, that clan receives a point. At the end of the month (or whatever said period of time), the top clan (or two) receives a better prize. This will provide some better reason for giving out a "ridiculous prize", it will get clan members going in terms of in-game activity, and it will actually give individuals some reason to "represent the clan".
On a not unrelated note, I'm not sure what you'd have us do about the prizes?
The sack is stocked with items, to give out ridiculously good items would be, as suggested, ridiculous.
That leaves the rest of whatever is in there, and speaking for myself, the prizes are random from that remaining list.
Let us say that we up the value of all items in the sack, we begin to give out good forces and such.
Prices in the market go down.
Everyone has one.
No longer good value.
You say bad prizes.
back to square 1. Wat do?
On a further personal rant, someone above complained bout getting velvet force for first place?
My first reaction was O.o I'd be well chuffed with such an item, or maybe that's just me...
I digress, however, perhaps we GM's need to be taught a little bit about general market prices and trends in order to keep on top of this - my previous points however stand.
EDIT1: Point is, on the whole, prizes aren't gonna change.
2) The mods.
To summarise in a statement - we can't win.
Host random mods -> why don't you host some official skillful mods?
Host more standardised mods -> OMG no creativity
No argument there, you're absolutely right lol. I would suggest having some kind of balance of the mods being hosted rather than hosting whatever mod comes to mind. IMO, there should be a steady stream of standard mods, but then inbetween should have some crazy/random mods (I'll refrain from the word "fun" because, contrary to popular belief, not EVERYONE finds instagibtoripen1smod.tbm = fun).
Given that I have received pretty equal amounts of complaints for both sides, I'd say we're balancing it pretty evenly. Totally wrote my comment before reading this
However, maybe another poll is in order to see what you guys are enjoying. Nah, no need for another poll.
Double however, a lot of the guys that vote on that rarely get ingame, so reducing the overall validity of the poll so... Feh.
I think y'all should come back with different variations of mods. Change up the basic rules of aikido.tbm, etc. Maybe I was the only one who liked it, but what about the dismemberment/fracture tourneys? What about the hotseat dismemberment tourneys? Just because it's not within an event, doesn't mean that they can't be hosted (unless things have changed otherwise).
3) The total players seems to be a small issue raised in this thread.
I dunno how many it used to be, but when I was first trained in February of 2011, Korvin went through a lot of the theory with me, and that's the theory I still use today.
Roughly 22-26 clients for my tourneys. Possibly down to 18 if I simply don't have a huge amount of time, yet want to do something quick - surely better than nothing?
furthermore, larger events such as having a maxclient of maybe 28 or up greatly increases the chances of ghosting, and the servers are pretty temperamental as it is
This is imo unrelated to the mods as calu suggested.
I'm now gonna go on to talk/rebuttle a few notable posts from this thread.
This is something that seems more popular with the newer gm's and is something (possibly a failing of mine) that I've never really taken to.
Depending on what one uses as prizes, it's a good way to clear some of the terribly low value items from the sack (one's I'd call very harsh for end-game prizes) - but that's a pretty bad reason to be giving away prizes imo; just to get rid of them.
The use of TC is something that is always suggested yet 2 things spring from this.
1) The reason we don't use tc prizes + we won't send tc from magicalsack
2) Not all GM's are rich (BULLSH*T! XD), this myth has stemmed pretty much entirely from Firebolty being the richest fgt around. People seem surprised when I tell them I have a few thousand creds, which are hard(ish) earned, and I'd like to maybe spend on myself - I only add that final bit as I've in the past been complained at for not using my personal tc to fund stuff... Wut?
Sarcasm on the internet rarely works (BULLSH*T XD). It comes across as dumb a lot of the time, intended or otherwise.
The Gm's can rarely distinguish between you joking about the rules or genuinely being a jackass.
It's best to find your fun in areas that can't be misconstrude.
Again, speaking purely for myself, I use 1 rule only (kinda 2 but meh):
Don't be an ass, if i ask you to stop something, you stop it.
It works, I think, people seem to be less inclined to break the rules when there is 1 very general all encompasing rule. Personal preference plays it's part here and is down to the hoster.
EDIT2: ^Elaborating on what Tarlan mentioned earlier.
This is something I'd like to hear more about via pm actually.
I fear that not smiling/joking around when explaining/repeating can be taken as harsh or stern.
Like this post, I'm far from angry or anything, but I'm simply talking professionally and not using smilies as the situation calls for me to act as such.
All of this comes from personal experience/opinions and is i'm in no way speaking for the whole team here.
P.S Thank you Wesmrocks, appreciation is a rarity and plays a large part in motivation for the older gm's.