hey,Sainzgc glad to see pure back but with a different name anyways I was gonna let you know that I will be looking at this clan 110% so yeah gl and hope for the best that this will be a clan that TB can follow up by.
Hey guys i can't be active anymore..
Handball and shit.. I think i will be joining some official clan where i will just hang out with no responsibilty..Sorry might be back after month..
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]
Aw, Mad you just joined. :< Well, good luck in your hanball matches.
Yay, multiplayer works. : D But it's late here, so I'll recruit some members tomorrow.
It just went down again for me >.< argh damn you sainz its all your fault. you should keep a eye around the forums and try inviteing people you think could be good for activity and stuff.
I am sure sainz wouldn't mind you being inactive for a month if you tell him why you should think about this pure is a very nice clan and the leader is very sexy *slaps* stay the fuck here!
EDIT: Oh and this clan doesn't need you to be active all the time like ace did there are a lot of good members here who post and allies and I am always here you don't need to worry if you go inactive for a few months pm me or something man.