Originally Posted by Mysticflapjack View Post
Tom that ammount of tc should be enough and sorry havent posted in forums in a while ive been stuck gettibg rid of viruses for 2 days

My webcam suddenly went on yesterday and it scared the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by Hate View Post
Anyone know when "Rekd" is coming back?

I was there when that happened. was a very fun night. Also hello Zock. I think Tom was in the call, but his mic was broken.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I was there when that happened. was a very fun night. Also hello Zock. I think Tom was in the call, but his mic was broken.

damn straight. totally worth it. It's funny because I didn't get banned, only my bank. Lol
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
damn straight. totally worth it. It's funny because I didn't get banned, only my bank. Lol

How does that even work?
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
How does that even work?

I was on my bank account because Kolorz banned me from a server. So I was playing on that account when we did that thing.

Still sucks though. My clan thread looks bad since the bank is temp banned. Lol
Sent by rappunk23: Essence
Hey, what do you think about coming over and joining Essence?
If you're interested, I can go over all the details with you and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have....
What the fuck? They don't even know me and ask me to leave this clan and join a clan i have never heard of? Fuck that, the reason i'm posting this here is to show that i don't plan to leav (v) any time soon
I should really find a clan.
I was allied with a clan, suddenly the leader vanished and everyone was panicking, then rappunk took over, eventually killed the clan from the inside out while still being in Essence, and then took all the remaining members.

I'd rather not talk bad about people though. He actually tries to be good, but sometimes it doesn't exactly work.