I want buy Marine Torso 250tc + Marine Secondary Gradient 250tc + Marine Blood 500tc = 1000tc. Sending 1k tc
Could you put the Vampire User Text on hold pleeeeeeassee?

I just need 9k, and I can get in in a a week or two!

I will remember to take it!
w000t freebys!!!! ill take:
Chronos Left Hand Motion Trail
Chronos Right Hand Motion Trail
Chronos Left Leg Motion Trail
Chronos Right Leg Motion Trail
Gladiator Timer
thats five!!! thanks send soon.
i would like to get orc usertext, dq, ghost and grip. And i take Marine DQ 50tc+Marine timer 200tc+ Marine User text200tc+Marine Grip 125tc=575tc
I send the money when i get the orcs.
Ok i have sent all items that have being bought.

I will now start giving out the free items to those who have asked.
When you ask for free items say which ones or you will not get any.

Sorry for my in-activness on the shop i have being a little busy lately.

EDIT: Shop completely updated!

If you didnt recieve a free item you asked for it means someone asked for it before you and they get it.

I will not put items on hold.

I will not except the trade for the qs relax.
Last edited by Suspect; Oct 22, 2008 at 07:31 AM.