#silver and gold nova chat
mwahh : ez acwe
Bot Brede | kickback.com : what smurf?
mwahh : nope
Bot Brede | kickback.com : your real rank
"i'm going to add this guy so he can carry the fuck out of me" (c) Kenny K
GodNiklas : ofc you knew where he was coming form
mwahh : lol who wouldnt guess he was rotating
GodNiklas : well you have guessed correctly about 6 times now
GodNiklas : hacking sad cunt
mwahh : not new to comp fps games
mwahh : l2p lol
GodNiklas : funny guy
GodNiklas : always the same excuses from hackers
mwahh : aimmeister
GodNiklas : i dont have aim assist like you sadly
mwahh : lmao
mwahh : ur just bad
GodNiklas : hope you get cancer like your mother m8
mwahh : m8 calm down and kys
GodNiklas : drink some bleach you fat fuck
you are my idol mwaaah (c) minineo