Hey guys
I want to know what you think about CaKe
and how we should handle his ban..
I would say bye bye he messed it up..
Originally Posted by TheAnimal
Who cheats, intentionally or not, is thrown immediately from the clan, there we make no exceptions. We stand for the fair play!
just my thoughts
scamming hampa for oldschooler status
Apr 2, 2013
Apr 2, 2014
His PM
Originally Posted by theaccheusedtosendthepm
1. I didn't scam, siku missunderstood.
2. I didn't mess up, i have a 7th dan account which i could use.
hampa dealt with it, i proved that i was an old schholer and he saw ithat i was, siku saw my reg date was 2011, and he got angry and banned me he thought that i scammed hampa for old schooler status.
Now Please don't kick me you know i am not a scammer, the other people don't know the story, thats why they're saying that.
Please... Add kooky account to the moderators im still a good person, believe me we can have a chat on irc you judge if i am right.
I won't leave aeon. I love aeon. And you know im a good ideaman.
Last edited by TheAnimal; Apr 3, 2013 at 06:18 PM.
Was in aeon. Personally, I don't think we could trust him if he really tried to scam hampa.
Anyways, he still hasn't made a pm to explain why he did what he did.
okey now my position
I have a banned guys as moderator.
I trust him and everybody else knows that.
now the same person is banned...
also i checkt ip and Stuff and found some nice things i just can't accept or want to be in my Clan.
like double acc or triple acc.
also the name chance Mr. Kreator
that are things I should know!
You maybe didn't scam Hampa but you scammed me/Aeon about your person