Its epic, almost as epic as my latest mod I made lol, I'll upload it in a bit, its kinda the same style, but I think I'm gonna host 2 contests this week, one in my mod I made, and perhaps another clannie decap contest? o.o
9/10 lol pretty clean, still pretty stiff, especially for kB/TK but it was nice =D
Now for my 2 sp decaps hehe. Pretty clean =C One of them I just knock the head off, the other I hold onto it. I might edit it so I dont' grab til the last minute, looks cleaner.
I liked the first decap 10/10, very clean. Second one was nice cause you leaped into the air to decap lol. 8/10 and the madman was sexy lol and I like how you used mostly your legs to DM =D 9/10