Hey, how do I change the position and rotation of only the tori? I don't want uke to move with me
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Originally Posted by Graded View Post
Hey, how do I change the position and rotation of only the tori? I don't want uke to move with me

Somebody answered you on your other thread. Go into "Adv" tab (at the top), and change the "Player Position" and "Player Rotation".
Originally Posted by Graded View Post
Hey, how do I change the position and rotation of only the tori? I don't want uke to move with me

As i already said you use engagerotation and engageposition (ctrl+g) for that.
Both of them consist of 6 values x1;y1;z1;x2;y2;z2 (the first 3 are for tori) and they are written like that.
But you should remember that you also need to change the position of uke, otherwise he will be in 0;0;0

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Once I have all my objects completed, is there anyway to change the color of all of them at the same time, rather than changing each objects color individually. I only ask because recoloring 128 objects 1 at a time is beyond the point of tedious.

Apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere, I could not find it. Thanks
Hi Friends! :)
What I usually do if I forget to do the color of an object before duplicating etc. is open the mod in notepad afterwards and use the find & replace tool. So pretty much making one object with the color you want (and remembering the number of that object!), taking the color of the majority of objects, which will look something like 0.00 0.10 0.00, and replacing it with the new color you want.
Thanks man will give it a go, I'm in the midst of attempting to create my first "Parkour" themed mod. While i've got your attention, where would be the most appropriate forum to post progression screenshots over the next few weeks as I build it, for feedback and suggestion purposes.
Hi Friends! :)
I think that points are only given if tori or uke gets hit.
What should your trigger action be like and what should it finally do?
Last edited by Ukephile; May 16, 2016 at 09:50 PM.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

No, you can't make triggers directly give points. You can give exact amounts of points through point thresholds + messing with the point distribution, or by editing the points on frac or dm, though. So, that might work for whatever you're doing.