Yeah I got it...Q makes farming rather easy. I just start with flask and a few health pots so I can clear waves easirt until I get blue.
Managed to get 100 cs in 14 mins, so I'd say I did rather good.
Ignore the fact that we lost the game, I was 17/1/9, then my bronze team started to flame that I am noob kser, I told them that I'd carry but they told me to go afk, so I did. It was quite hilarious how mad they were. I was just going around jungle getting used to her AA and Q dmg, then solo baron ftw(second death).
Also, what skill would you recommend to get second, E or W? I usually go for W first...But last game picking E first was quite effective, lee ganked me, I managed to flash, land E+Q+Ignite and get the first blood with the help of jungler. So that made me wondering...