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If you needed a champ that has enough influence early game to matter, but can carry hard late game, who would it be?
I find myself being the only one on my team with a positive record in losing games. I either carry, and lose because they're fed from my team OR I gank and can't carry hard enough to win.
Well for the whole I lose despite my good skills problem, you can't win them all. And you'll improve your chances with vision and communciating with your team via pings. Good map awareness to help out your whole team to prevent ganks and keeping an eye on the enemy jungler so you can guess where he is in his jungle and perform counter ganks/counter jungling.
And as for that, any 'snowball' champion would be fine, such as Katarina and Akali (if you get good with Akali you'll have fun, trust me on this.) but with the preseason changes Riot has kind of nerfed snowballing all in all. Sure you can get ahead, but. The other team will still be able to catch up to you without much hassle, unlike S3.
Akali was always a champion I thought about getting good at, and I still might after I get my fan repaired and start getting back into LoL, but that's weeks away.