Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
My comp is fixed
Expect to see me ingame between Monday and saturday !

yay! what happened to it?
Rogue clown
you need to find some better sites for porn, man lol

cuz the sites you're going to now seem pretty dodgy, what the hell kinda nasty stuff are you into rfif??

lol :P
My shop
Yes I do actually. I dont really pay attention to them though.

For those of you who dont know what happened, its really fucked up

My computer mouse is REALLY fucked up. Like if I move it sometimes, it will jump to some random point. (which is why when I play TK ingame and I do some weird move). At one point I was trying to exit out of youtube. Then my mouse had a spaz attack and clicked on some random link. Then I got a popout saying that my computer has been infected. I was like aw crap. Then when I saw how many, I was like "Holy shit that is alot of crap". Then I tried using some old spyware that I've had for like 5 years and it just made things worse. I couldnt exit out of the spyware thing or the fix up option it says on "my computer". Eventually I just unplugged everything except for my internet and waited about 2 months and here I am today. I didnt get my computer back though. Didnt have much time.

New topic: Holy shit there's sooooo much rain outside. (then again, all the shitty states are filled with rain.)
Last edited by Rfifan; May 17, 2011 at 01:11 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
this game sucks now

nobody plays in the official servers, and when they do they all rush for the exit like I have the hiv or something

everybody's in private servers playing with one other person and THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE DISTURBED PLEASE LEAVE

EVERY time I try to get back on, the ONLY server that has any hope of being populated is Ultimate: Aikido and Wushu (I hate wushu). Then when I get on and wait patiently for my turn, without fail, everyone leaves right when I'm up

I don't know why I bothered trying again... shit pisses me off, this game used to be great. Now it's a bunch of ratpackers (the cool kids who talk amongst themselves and you're not invited) and privateers
My shop
Parker... Well it all depends on when you get on etc. When I'm on almost everyone I know is one (Hampa included) Give it another shot. :|