[r] Nintendo672
Hey guys i'm interested in joining [Raid].
Here's my application.
Current Qi:6864
Previous clans:I've been in many previous clans so i'll just name a few.Firstly i'll say [Scream] and I quit because it died.I was in,and created,[Saga] which died later on.
Favourite/best mod:Aikido But also have a little skill in kickbox and judo.
Age:12,although i've been told I act more mature than my age.
GMT:N/A The reason for that is that I messed up when picking my GMT when I joined so it isn't correct.
Previous infractions:I've had 1 infraction and 1 warning.The infraction was for an early bump on a flame auction.The warning was about not reporting someone when he posted a thread in the wrong board.
Anything else you think is worth mentioning?
Well I live in Carmack,Mississippi out in the country.I've been playing Toribash since 2007.I would have gotten into [Hive] till I heard the terrible news that it's officialy dieing.The reason I want to join is that this clan looks nice seeing that it just got official.I want to become a respected member of the clan and to stay with the clan as long as possible.I may not be as active as I should be due to school.I love playing games when I have the time to.I also love almost any kind of sport.
I hope you find my applicaion acceptable.
Here are some replays
Last edited by Katzen; Aug 20, 2009 at 04:08 AM.