Name: JamZam
Age: 18
Belt: 4th Dan
Past Clans: Can't even remember, sry xD
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any):
Bought QI?: none
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): Tripstone!
Modes your good at: Prob not many anymore, getting it back tho (used to be KB)
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Video editing and music production
GMT: +1, Sweden
Player Card:?
About yourself:Yeah um... I live in Sweden, yo.
Why you want to join [eVo]: To hang with the oldschool bro's!
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Friendship and hugs <3
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
Name: Shane
Age: 13
Belt: 10th dan 2600 til master
Past Clans: JollyR( for two years) fish (i don't even remember how long) and Armadon (my first clan ever)
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Chargers (made in 08 sold it)
Bought QI?: Hell no
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): Tripstone
Modes your good at: Aikido, AikidoBD, sambo, all of clockwork monkey's mods,
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Dueling
GMT: -8
Player Card:
About yourself: My name is shane I'm 13, I've spent 2 years in JollyR my loyalty was with them and i still have part of myself in them, but recent "events" got me kicked out ones i had no control over, nevertheless i will always miss them, but this is a new opportunity for me to start fresh and to be in a clan with members i like, hell i could say even a bit more than like (no homo) but yeah you guys are extremely talented and skilled at this game, and have skills outside of it.
Why you want to join [eVo]: uh because you guys are cool, talented, active, fun to talk to, and the clan presents great opportunities for me
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Im highly active, and can do what you need me to do.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
JamZam the only clan I remember you being in is [Ark]

Welcome DropKick, any members have anything to say about DropKick being apart of [eVo] now?
Welcome Dropkick. You caught my attention a while back as being cool both social and really good at the game, weclome.
Why is there no welcome thread? Some1 should make one. Also. Jamzam. Im pretty sure your still on my msn. lol
Your What Hurts? Ahh Thats too bad. I thought you were in pain.
TheDoc. says: You're retarded, -SmarterChild- says: Yeah, I guess I am retarded.

Welcome DropKick yo...

JamZam,hhmm [Ark]? Sounds familiar,don't worry though I was also in [Ark] and can't remember most of the members,twas a lifetime ago...

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

Do I still have your msn Supa? :O I havn't seen you in ages since the new MSN only shows first and last names instead of nicknames and I don't know what your name is Also, yes, the last clan I was in was like a lifetime ago, that's why I can't remember now. But I know I was in atleast two different clans.
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
I remember JamZam now! Took me a minute to get it out. I don't remember a tag yet but I'm sure it will come back. I remember you having great kickboxing skills. I'll be in-game for a while today if you got time to play.