Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by carbonking View Post who's going to say it

I'll do it...

Originally Posted by ulus05 View Post
We create a new clan with Mind
go and check:P we are no official but we become official soon

Not trying to be mean but you won't become official so fast. I'll give you some reasons. Not a cool DSC, seriously googled images suck and the DSC isn't very organized. Memberlist is just crap. Seriously that clan pic isn't made by Mind obviously googled. I'm 90% sure that it was made by another person that is really good at vectoring. Okay moving further with reasons... All clan members have crap grammar and doesn't know how to lead a clan. MindSwiped promotes members too easily. You have just 4 members and none of them are worthy to lead a clan. Compare REM with other clans and you'll find many reasons why you won't become official. Clan council only accepts the best clans who have applied. And there are enough official clans so your clan chances to become official is 20%. Your clan members need artistic skills to make banners, etc.

So yeah I think that's almost it.
If your lazy to read everything then here's a shorter version: REM won't become official. Because it's shit. So yeah take that criticism. I'm not trying to insult anyone it's just what most of the people think. So yeah we still can be friends.

Also kevin I still feel lazy. So like this week I'll do it probably.
thx uberis...
pics are googled cause i creating banners for us!
And clan isnt shit! if we wont become official it will be still nonofficial clan that makes friends!. Because pple who enoyied it are very friendly. and i dont care what are you talking about it you know? And REM its a new clan. So dont be so hard thinking.

Ok i decided to stop creating a video for sin and stop posting in SIN forum.
Cause i dont to be in fight in all of you guys.
sorry and goodbye... The clan was very cool at the beginning, but now...
Thx guys for game it was very cool.
Cya mayby in future, when something gonna change.
Last edited by ulus05; May 24, 2011 at 12:18 AM. Reason: only for me
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
me and ulus had a long talk....
also... carbon i know its kind of wrong but this is tobi's best idea evar


so i think im going to ignore every rem member thats not ulus also guys may be gone for a while my laptop charger is broken may be on my last charge right now
Originally Posted by carbonking View Post
so i think im going to ignore every rem member thats not ulus also guys may be gone for a while my laptop charger is broken may be on my last charge right now damn laptop.