User: Noob.
Cleverbot: You noob.
User: Ya mums a noob.
Cleverbot: We don't date noobs we pown them.
User: I will rape you.
Cleverbot: Do it then.
User: *Unzips fly. I'm warning you.
Cleverbot: What will you do?
User: I said, 'I will rape you!'.
Cleverbot: I hope you will not.
User: *sigh*.
Cleverbot: Well I love you and I hope to dream about you tonight.
User: I will jizz on you.
Cleverbot: For what?
User: For being a naughty girl.
Cleverbot: Like you?
User: No, I am a good girl. Still a virgin. Are you?
Cleverbot: No I am cleverbot.
User: Want to do it on the lawn?
Cleverbot: No, I'm happy with my name.
User: Oh, Okay then. Grass stains are hard to get out anyway.
Cleverbot: Sun shines because it is made of glowing gas. Duh!
User: Indeed it is Alfred.
Cleverbot: So your name is more cleverbot?
User: Yes. It is. Well I got to go now mate.
Cleverbot: Right, did I insult you then?
User: You did indeed.
Cleverbot: Never did I say that!!!!!!!!!!!
User: Use enough '!' did you?
Cleverbot: I'm a human.
User: Well, you can be killed then. GOOD DAY!
Cleverbot: Thats me kind to a fault.