Do you have any problems going in lane against a Riven?
Tired of losing every trade?
Are you sad for losing the lane and Riven gets so ahead that she'll 1v5 your team and poop on it?
Well, my friend... No more desperations! Get your Garen now!
With Garen, you'll spin to win. YEAH!
Is she trying to combo you? Just silence and spin on her face while laughing too of her pity damage. With your natural tankyness and health restoration, you're always healthy to trade WHENEVER you want. And to close the deal, just drop that all mighty demacian justice and make her feel sorry for the day she was summoned.
Just be careful though. Since most of Riven players and pretty arrogant and cocky, she'll probably call her jungle in order to perform the dirty task to get you out off lane. Get a ward and worry no more!
Garen! The ultimate counter to Riven! Get yours now for just 450 IP!
And if you call during the next 10 minutes, you'll be receiving your own Garen's sword replica so you can spin in-game and off-game.