Guys... do fast vote for me cuz i want fast answer >.> NO OR YES?
I can draw lemon but it waste my time...
Age: 15
Nationality: Filipino american
Belt: 3rd Dan Black Belt
Preferred Mods: Akido.
Old Clans: YES (from waaay back), and Amatsumi
Why do you want to join?: I've always looked up to urban (you guys got me once I saw your awesome Clan Video) and all of its might and it has been my dream to be apart of its glory. To be honest, this is my second time I have applied and now, I think I'm ready! When I was rejected the first time, I made a promise to myself to get better to try one more time, and that time to try is now.
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?: I create music and unique texture sets and heads
Other Qualities: I play the piano a lot and... well, I'm just a musical person, and I have a very optimistic aspect on things!
You will need to include 3-5 replays. ( SP prefered, Examples below )
and a note on the replays, the ones by dj-jo are still me because now, I can no longer access that account due to the recent problem that has occurred in the forums.
See my other post on the next page for my actual Replays.
:3 What's wrong with Anime, you got something against my interest?
All about multi