so, how did piratez got created?

also, fun times

I will make your life horrible if you post this on our forum ONE more time.
Last edited by Yourface; Jun 18, 2011 at 12:29 AM.
Originally Posted by Kreat0r View Post
Why don't you ever come to IRC guys
we always have a great time!
Talking about nothing actually:
Danny>well before setting it up
<Danny>Who'd like to join
<Danny>some other time then eh?
<Danny>its like 6 mbs
<Danny>you can't download that on a work comp and hide it?
<Danny>oh yeah.
<avwave>i could, but i'm monitored
<avwave>well, not really
<avwave>a lot of ports are blocked + my station is conveniently placed near the glass entryway
=-=Enzu is now known as Nnzu
<Danny>so both port and ip are required?
<Danny>wiki only says ip
<Danny>how aboot you Serithi?
<avwave>great geezus
<avwave>must EVERY steam game have fucking hats
<avwave>oh heyo
<Danny>therefore hats
<avwave>pixel "hats" available for tf2!  
<Danny>even in duke nukem
<avwave>dif'rnt colored Blocks!
<Serithi>Danny: Is the game free?
<avwave>i hear bad things about dnf
<Danny>It sounded like you nad it
<Boredpayne>portal 2: now with custom hats
-->|box|afk ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<Danny>dungeon N' fighter?
<Danny>that nexon game?
<Boredpayne>duke nukem forever
<Danny>i dun goofed
<Serithi>Danny: too cheap-ass to set up a paypal account :P
|<--Bafki has left (Quit: )
<avwave>1.04 has higher res
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: You play DFO?
<Danny>I get paypal money for spamming links on convention and anime forums
<Danny>also di
<[ISHI]Hamr>What class?
<Danny>wrecking ball
<Danny>and a hell bringer
<[ISHI]Hamr>I have a level 50 WB.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Main's an Asura though.
=-=Nameless is now known as Namezzz
<Danny>Seems like something to PvP over,does it not?
|<--Serithi  has left (Quit: anyway, off to either send money via  paypal to avwave or play games, and i don't have a paypal account.)
<[ISHI]Hamr>I hate PvP.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Mainly because I'm terrible.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Also this shit desktop I'm on can't run it.
<Danny>grapics card?
<[ISHI]Hamr>Since the patch drops next week, I'm hoping I get my laptop back in time.
<Danny>can't wait
<Danny>guild's giving a 25k nexon card for first to level a thief to 48
<[ISHI]Hamr>What guild you in?
<Danny>My own one.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Also, you know we're not getting the patch on wednesday right?
<Danny>lvl 10 yo
<[ISHI]Hamr>Oh snap.
<vespesi3n>is danny delaid?
<Danny>It doesn't matter when
<[ISHI]Hamr>Delaid doesn't play DFO.
<Danny>Delaid's too awesome to be me
<[ISHI]Hamr>You seem nice enough.
<Danny>I am now
<vespesi3n>hi danny what's up
<Danny>I used to be an ass to everyone and generally fuck up alot
<Danny>but then puberty
<Danny>also hi vesp
<[ISHI]Hamr>Were you around before?
<Danny>oh yeah
<[ISHI]Hamr>I'm having a dread feeling.
<[ISHI]Hamr>You weren't DTM, were you?
<Danny>I've changed and so should your outlook on me
=-=Danny is now known as Danballl
<vespesi3n>who was DTM
<[ISHI]Hamr>I take it you weren't.
=-=Danballl is now known as Danny
<vespesi3n>I remember the name danball
<[ISHI]Hamr>As long as you're not DannytheManny.
<Danny>the hell
<vespesi3n>oh yeah
<vespesi3n>hamr remember Noob_Reaper
<[ISHI]Hamr>I don't remember seeing you around, Danballl.
<[ISHI]Hamr>So I have a fresh outlook on you.
<[ISHI]Hamr>vesp: Yea.
<Danny>always good
<[ISHI]Hamr>What about EmpreamKick?
<[ISHI]Hamr>So how are you?
<vespesi3n>Don't remeber them
<Danny>tagknife Bailley11 fennic
<Boredpayne>he was totally danny the manny
|<--Sirkill has left (Quit: Bye guys)
<avwave>mah gawd, amnesia
<Danny>remember those names?
<[ISHI]Hamr>avwave: With hats?
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny, Yea.
<Danny>kinda have to
<[ISHI]Hamr>They still bother us time to time.
<Danny>2 whole months of botnetting
<Danny>and account hacking
-->|pab10|RAW ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<Boredpayne>is this some sort of confession
<avwave>noob_reaper comes to mind.. but i havent seen any empreamkic.. ohhhh
<[ISHI]Hamr>Boredpayne: You're DannytheManny.
<avwave>damn this mid sentence epiphanies
<Boredpayne>your mother
<Paradox>is haha?
<Danny>that was fennix and bailley11
<[ISHI]Hamr>avwave: And his friend/brother SumpremeKick.
<Boredpayne>by fennic you mean tagknife since they're the same people
<Danny>that kid still making alts?
<avwave>one is but a simulacra of the other
<avwave>oh, thanks for reminding me
<avwave>i havent gone to hackershit for a while
<Danny>forgot to ban nuttie did you,avwave?
<avwave>i wonder if he made enough money to pay off a russian for a new ddos attack
<Boredpayne>pay for ddos
<Boredpayne>what a pro
<avwave>he averages 500$ per attack
* Boredpaynewets pants
<avwave>short and uneventful as it is
<Danny>Do you remember the support raids yo
<Boredpayne>also, wow
<Boredpayne>what an incredible waste of money
<Danny>for like 9 days straight bots
<Boredpayne>and it accomplished
<avwave>of course i'm implying
<avwave>could be a hundred bucks a pop, i dunno
<Danny>who pays for ddos'
<avwave>but still.. you think hed get some sense and do it himself
<Danny>It'd take like 1 hour to learn
<Danny>how to make bots
<avwave>or at least get a little more adventurous and start hacking up the actual site
<avwave>irc is pretty lowkey
<Danny>like bailley?
<Danny>fag stole my supernova
<Boredpayne>It'd take 1 hour to accumulate a botnet?
<Danny>to learn how to botnet
<Boredpayne>a bit more than that
<Boredpayne>that's not how botnets work
<Danny>Payne hamr, Terraria you have?
<Danny>I cannot be asked to go back and fix that sentence
<Boredpayne>Don't I do no think
<Danny>there wasn't even a verb in there
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: Horrible grammar.  Also no.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Have is a verb.
<[ISHI]Hamr>He has, she had, I have.
<avwave>doeft thou hath a copy of terraria
<Boredpayne>get it right
<[ISHI]Hamr>This crap thing can't run it anyway.
<avwave>(fyi: NOBODY gets that right :D)
<Danny>terrania is just plain great
<Danny>it allows all the fun of minecraft on an easier engine
=-=Boredpayne is now known as Bored|nn
<Danny>also rocket jumping
<Danny>its like it was made by valve
<Bored|nn>forward, to mine pillow softeth
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: You see the specs on my crappy desktop?
<Danny>to thou
<Danny>what are they
|<--box|afk has left (Ping timeout)
<avwave>maybe if i had the patience, i could recreate Mario Bros in that
<Danny>he had help?
<avwave>or i could just cheat and use an image to generate the levels
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: http://*******.com/3ccclyy
|<--[ISHI]rai has left (Ping timeout)
<Danny>it took me to porn
<Danny>maybe this is why its so shitty
<avwave>hamr: time for a tradein methinks :D
<Danny>but no those specs are damn terrible
<avwave>if a smartphone has better specs than your comp, its time to trade it in
<avwave>.. speaking of, i should get a new laptop
<[ISHI]Hamr>avwave: Yea.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: Urp.
<Danny>the hell is lil boosieanna
<[ISHI]Hamr>There ya go.
<[ISHI]Hamr>avwave: I have a better laptop.
<[ISHI]Hamr>But it's in the shop.
<Danny>my penis is younger than you computer
<[ISHI]Hamr>Good ol' halfway reliable.
-->|box|afk ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<[ISHI]Hamr>Your penis is 5 years old?
<Danny>oh yeah
<[ISHI]Hamr>You type and spell well for a 5 year.
<Danny>oh no,its 5
-->|Star ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<[ISHI]Hamr>You didn't have a penis up til now?
<Danny>it'd be fun to make a penis joke
<Danny>but right now instead of penis I should'vesaid something else
<Danny>so shit
-->|Wafflez ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<[ISHI]Hamr>Way to walk into that.
<Danny>oh yeah I fucked up
<Danny>but that is terrible
<Danny>a 2006 laptop is like 50 dollars
|<--Link has left (Quit: Leaving)
<[ISHI]Hamr>That's my laptop.
<Danny>fuck you icechat,you can't open links
|<--box|afk has left (Ping timeout)
=-=Lawyer is now known as Lawyer_is_sleeping
=-=Lawyer_is_sleeping is now known as Lawyer
=-=Lawyer is now known as Lawyer_Sleep
<Danny>Siku's still around?
<[ISHI]Hamr>Danny: Yea, sometimes.
<Danny>L.A. Noire any good?
<vespesi3n>Yea, sometimes.
<Danny>battlefield and mw3 don't have hats guys
<Danny>they're gonna be good legitamate games
<Danny>my typing and writing skills are malfunctioning,from the sleep deprivation
|<--Namezzz has left (Quit: Namezzz)
|<--Danny has left (Quit: Shutting down in this dojo)
<avwave>what if you could have a game where you arrange bodies in a level, and with one bullet kill all of them
<avwave>it would be physics based and stuff
-->|StellarGod ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<avwave>+ you could control each body to its fina destination
<avwave>like... human dominoes
<avwave>or a rube goldberg machine made of bodies
-->|box|afk ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<[ISHI]Hamr>avwave: No clue.
<[ISHI]Hamr>Sounded like Ricochet to me.
<avwave>lot like that
<avwave>... i've been playing carmageddon too much methinks
-->|[ISHI]rai ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
|<--Nnzu has left (Ping timeout)

I made it less annoying.
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
Eh? Well, Uric and SpaceLlama was the original founder, they are the 1st generation Captain and First Mate, followed by Murmayder and Rutten > Cretor and Rutten > Grayve and me > MrTeapawt and me > Grayve and me again > now Uberis and me, Yourface, and Mookiefish.