Ok, Just a suggestion I suppose. We should add more questions in the application form, like..."Will you still stay if this clan experiences hardships/trouble etc"
Ok ignore that suggestion. How about, removing the members who did not post here more thank a week,(The exemptions are as is),the only one in
New smoke taking interests in our topic is iSilent....the rest arent posting,ALL of the
Smoldering rank member arent posting
,Charred beast seems to be OK,
Spark children aren't posting as well,
Flame lords... well itsbruce is posting and i think loruhannah(?) has an exemption?
Blazing kings,mrmadpanda isn't posting much and Rikaze had an exemption too? Of course the
Infernus are posting.
ALL that came from my own, So im not sure who is really active or what. IT seems to me that:6 members out of 25 are active.
So what will happen to members not even posting once(<--exaggeration) in this thread.Maybe...kick? or PM warning?
Wait,I got promoted? That's good news, Thank you guys.
Oh look we are back at rank 10 from 12...a miracle! :O
Last edited by kayateya; Dec 6, 2011 at 08:39 PM.