Lets just whop out my old main and see how it goes.
Oh pretty well.
twas pretty fun playing with Butler and Vordred
I own yasuo with his skin, and officer vi. £20 well spent
Watch bitches complain about atmas.
well fuck you whomever dislikes it :'P
EU West mate, though I'm off to sleep now. I take it you're probably NA considering the time you're online.
If not, send a request to SoulSkrix;)
Oh, if you wanna play with me on LoL or teach me something cause I'm retarded, I'm friesguy5467 (NA).
If you land the charm go for the combo, if not use the orb for farming, if you can make it hit the enemy at the same time as the farm then GJ. When they're low enough to combo go for it, dodge enemy shots with R :'P