You don't need a dfg if you play your lane right. It's a supplement to your combo, not the linchpin. If the dfg was necessary for Ahri to be viable, she wouldn't have seen play.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You don't need a dfg if you play your lane right. It's a supplement to your combo, not the linchpin. If the dfg was necessary for Ahri to be viable, she wouldn't have seen play.

But after she was nerfed it ain't even worth to go all in before dfg cause against a stronger mid laner you would get raped in that 1v1
Originally Posted by pro4life View Post
But after she was nerfed it ain't even worth to go all in before dfg cause against a stronger mid laner you would get raped in that 1v1

But she wasn't even nerfed hard, let alone nerfed unfairly. She still deals virtually the same amount of damage so long as you land charm, because it now functions as a magic damage increase and a form of cc rather than just cc. All that means now is her lane presence isn't as absurdly strong as it was before, but she's still capable of holding her own in lane and still capable of deleting an enemy champion.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
But she wasn't even nerfed hard, let alone nerfed unfairly. She still deals virtually the same amount of damage so long as you land charm, because it now functions as a magic damage increase and a form of cc rather than just cc. All that means now is her lane presence isn't as absurdly strong as it was before, but she's still capable of holding her own in lane and still capable of deleting an enemy champion.

Before some1 else deletes her
I was about to say, the whole reason I mentioned charm as the nerf made it so charm becomes the start to the "delete" combo.

9/2/7 Yasuo Top as High Noon, feels good to be a Cowboy Samurai.
Although the enemy team raged at me and reported me because I would tp bot late and 'babysit'. Blocking Ashes arrow feels too good.
Originally Posted by pro4life View Post
Before some1 else deletes her

Well yeah, mage and mobile pretty much = squishy assassin :C
Last edited by souldevilj; Dec 26, 2013 at 09:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump