What would your last words be?
Oh... and one more thing...(dies)
What would you have written on your grave?
Just wait till my SECOND attempt ;)
If you were to die at the end of the week, what would you do in the mean time?
Slap 'n' tickle.
Who's Randy?
What would be your death wish?
To wish for three more death wishes.
If you could kill one person and get away with it, who would it be and why?
I can't list just one, so I will list none at all.
What would you do if you could feel all the happiness in the world for an entire day?
I wouldn't. That would ruin life for me.
Who are your heroes in our society? Dead or alive...and why....
Eli450, champion.
Sabreon, you a Stone Sour/Slipknot fan?
Chos3n was defeated by steelers12 on Apr 20, 2013.
2 Weeks of inactivity, moved to scamps. Must become active before the 11th of May.
Last edited by Zanderhar; May 4, 2013 at 03:46 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump