Hi, I would like to join. I'm a 2nd Dan Blackbelt, and an old schooler. I began taking interest in this clan after seeing your members Pikarus, Point, and Vamp_09.
I'm mostly in Judo, Aikido, and Sambo. I only recently began modding (no experience with environmental modding, however), and I'm a 2nd year student at the University of California, Davis. I used to be in the clan Freeze, but that was... far from perfect in terms of competitiveness and maturity.
I believe that I am able to bring a level of maturity and competition as a member of this clan, and I have a lot of spare time during my studies in college.
If I were to rate myself, I'd give myself a 5. Even though I've had a few notable wins in Sambo and Aikido servers, I don't consider myself well-rounded enough yet in terms of experience in other mods and certain strategies.