View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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yer iust done it sad asses theres a website called hahaha

lsl is gay his boy freind told me
Last edited by Rachet; Dec 28, 2009 at 10:40 AM.
i get in
e ljudi ocu ja da se prijavim znam boraniju pericu i sve aj me pustite (ovo je moj 120 account tako da sam zuti pojas)ja sam BeLgRaDe(moj drugi account,boranija i perica znaju)
Rachet, nah, i think I'll keep Novitech. Although i was thinking that 'Motive' would be pretty cool. So Novitech, Devoid, God, and Motive are my main options. Leb, thanks for the suggestion, i like it.
Um. What.
If that's an application, please translate and put it in the right thread. Perica left, and I'm pretty sure Boranija got blacklisted. (What for, by the way?)
He wants to get in the clan. Just missed the tread. I will talk to him.

Ej, moras da postujes u tredu [Piratez] Clan Recruitment (Climb Aboard our Ship),
procitaj prvu stranu i vidi kako to ide. Mada si malo zakasnio (ili mozda i pogrijesio?) jer Perica vise nije u ovom klanu (on ima sada svoj klan [Dragonz]), a ovi ovde ne pustaju zute pojaseve (jedino da im fino objasnis, mada zasto ti je ovo 120 account?), a Boraniji je zabranjen pristup jer je nesto zajebao. uglavnom, moja ti je perporuka da podjes u klan [Dragonz], tamo su sve nasi ljudi.